Most of you will know that I’m a little obsessed with cookbooks. I will sit down with a cookbook and devour it as if it were a novel. My shelves are creaking slightly with the weight of my obsession.
I have books from all sorts of celebrity well as all old classics such as the Good Housekeeping Cookery Book which is around 30yrs old and some of Mary Berrys first books. I’m going to review all of my favourite ones on here.
Quite often I will receive a book as a present and I will read it from front to back, drooling over pics and marvelling at the ideas but I may not actually cook from it for quite some time. Last week I bought a book and I had quite the opposite reaction.
Well I say I bought the book but I actually bought the Kindle version.. Which I kinda regret now. I’ve had the book about 10 days and I’ve made 4 recipes from it. One of those recipes I’ve made 4 times. So obviously I love the book. Which I didn’t expect to. I expected it to be good and for it help me create cheap meals but I didn’t really think I would love the food itself and the simplicity of the recipes.
Now of course I want to buy the paperback book as well…
Anyway..the book is A Girl Called Jack written of course by Jack Monroe the author of the blog of the same name. It boasts 100 delicious budget recipes and from what I’ve read and created so far that’s about right.
I bought mine for the bargain £6 on Amazon but I would happily have paid double that as its worth it.
So far we have made:
The Famous 9p burger which consists of carrots,kidney beans and cumin – maybe you wouldn’t look at that combo and think yum but try it and you will certainly be surprised.
The Soda Bread – now the fact that I’ve made this 4 times in 10 days will tell you how much I like this easy peasy bread recipe. Incredibly simple and light on ingredients but delicious when fresh and lovely toasted the day after. 5 stars from me!
The Tomato Soup – this was so popular with my toddler that she demanded seconds on the two occasions I made it. On my second attempt I made double the amount and it was equally good the next day.
The Chickpea and Peach Curry – this is incredibly good. Fruity, spicy and cheap 😀 I wasn’t sure how good it would be but I will definitely be making it again.
It went down a storm with myself, Andrew and Izzy who loved the chunks of peach.
Recipes I’m looking forward to trying:
Garlic, herb and lemon bread
White chocolate tea loaf
Chicken satay
Sausage and Beam Cassoulet
Diet Coke Chicken..
I could go on…..
If you are looking for a new cookbook I recommend this. If you need to save money on your meals or if you just like good food then you need this in your kitchen.
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