I’ve decided to join in on a challenge that I recently read about on a lovely blog that I follow written by Brittany of A Healthy Slice. I’ve followed this blog for a while and I always really enjoy her posts. This recent post about Eat in Month which you can read here made me look at another blog called The Chic Life written by Diana who started this challenge 4 years ago. You can read more about it here
I don’t eat at expensive restaurants a lot but we do eat out quite regularly, whether it is a toasted sandwich at a cafe when we are out for the day with Izzy or a quick evening meal when we don’t feel like cooking. We also order takeaways perhaps once a month and quite often when I’m not in work I go out for lunch with my mum or sisters. Add onto this a hot chocolate or bottle of juice/pop for me when we take Izzy to the soft play (my treat) then the £’s definitely add up.
So this is a big challenge to me. No eating out for the remainder of the month.. Aaarrrggghh.
Well actually Diana says you should adapt it to you and you are allowed one cheat meal so that will be my parents anniversary meal and also I’m going to allow bought snacks when we visit the zoo with Izzy later this month. I’m going to limit rather than cut out hot drinks when we are out & about. I’m going to allow myself 4 bought hot chocolates for the month and I have already given up on fizzy pop (soda) so that should be easy. Even by having these exceptions I think we will save a lot.
I have already been given one big helping hand after winning a simple retweet competition on Twitter, I am the lucky winner of £100 box of 100 calorie tasty little numbers goodies. I haven’t tried them yet as waiting for my delivery but I’ve had a look on the site here and they look good! Therefore I have no excuse for buying snacks in work and these are low calorie too so should help will my other goal which is to lose a stone by March. Totally achievable I think 🙂
Anyway do any of my fellow UK based bloggers fancy joining in on the Eat In Month 2013?
Great post! I’m glad you’re joining the challenge, Becky! And I love your interpretation of the challenge – sounds totally reasonable to me. And great score with the free snacks, too! That should definitely help! 🙂
Thanks I look forward to a healthier bank balance at the end of the month 😉
I’m doing the challenge too! I am definitely going to need a cheat meal, but I think it shouldn’t be too hard. We’ve got this. 😉