We are just coming through the other side of a growth spurt. Chloe has also just cut another tooth. I’ve been feeling unwell all week and I think it’s pretty much entirely down to the fact that I’m tired and drained.
Growth spurts in the first year are typically supposed to occur:
Between 1-3wks
Between 6-8wks
At 3 months
At 6 months
At 9 months
But this is just a guide and each baby is different. Chloe has had all of hers around 4 weeks early and I do wonder if this is because she was overdue?
Most growth spurts last a few days but can be longer. Our last one was roughly 8 days and it was hard. Possibly the hardest one so far. Chloe fed like a newborn and I really struggled with it. Last night she slept for 6.5hrs straight through without a feed for the first time in ages. I feel like a new woman today..well almost.
Tips to get you through a growth spurt:
1. Drink plenty. If water bores you then get juice, flavoured waters, decaffeinated tea etc etc. You MUST increase your fluid intake or you will feel awful.
2. Eat plenty. Don’t diet through a growth spurt. I’ve tried and it’s not fun. You need extra calories if anything so eat healthy and generously sized meals with snacks in between and of course ..puddings or cake.
3. Sleep whenever you can. Or rest. Your body is effectively running a marathon at this time and it needs to recuperate.
4. Have long, lazy baths. Have your partner bring the baby into you for a feed and take him/her away when finished. Relax. If your baby wants more milk then you feel you are producing a warm bath can stimulate milk production.
5. Sore nipples? Put some flannels in the fridge to cool and use them to soothe your nipples. Also Lansinoh is great.
6. Treat yourself. Buy yourself a good book to read during feeds or watch a rom com and eat something delicious.
7. If your baby is on solids get them lots of small, heathy snacks to chew on if you absolutely need to get something done but try not to avoids feeds as a growth spurt is baby’s way of increasing your milk supply to cope with their growing demands.
8. Don’t give up on your worst day. Wise advice from a good friend of mine. Last week saw me once again close to wanting to stop breastfeeding. I didn’t and I’m glad. We are 8 months in and I’m thrilled we have done so well.
9. Up all night feeding? Go on social media and chat to other mums who are going through the same thing. Search for breastfeeding hashtags, growth spurt or zombie mums. There is ALWAYS someone to talk to. I’m @writingforfun if you want to follow.
10. Remember it does end. It doesn’t feel like it but it does I promise.
Any other tips? Let me know and I will add them to the list.
Always comforting to know you’re not the only one! Some great tips here.
I use the WonderWeeks app. It doesn’t magically help you in growth spurts or do the housework for you or entertain your other child but it’s reassuring to be reminded that what your baby is doing is totally normal at different stages and explains why- so you dont get too stressed by it!
It calculates your baby’s chart based on their due date. So although our little ones were only born a day or so apart, mine was induced 2weeks early and C was late so developmentally they’ll be different Xx
Thanks lovely, I’m writing about wonder weeks soon I think.xx