I have been reading The Picture Of Dorian Gray this week, a book not even remotely related to food but it led me on to some reading about Oscar Wilde, interesting to say the least. It seems he was quite a remarkable character. A lot of what is written about him talks about his love of food and the dinner table, he also references food a lot in his works. Isn’t it funny how everything seems to lead back to food? Any kind of book or film or show tends to include it at some point and it will often lead me to a point of having ideas for new recipes or just food cravings. In the case of Oscar Wilde it has made me want a simple Cucumber sandwiches. He refers to them several times in The Importance Of Being Earnest and it reminded me of how they were my very favourite sandwiches when I was a child and would always ask for them when I had school trips or if we had days to the beach which always seemed to include a lovely mouthful of gritty sand. I haven’t had one in ages so thats my afternoon snack planned.
Some of my favourite Oscar Wilde food quotes:
“When I am in trouble, eating is the only thing that consoles me. Indeed, when I am in really great trouble, as any one who knows me intimately will tell you, I refuse everything except food and drink” – Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest
I am sure there is a little bit of this in all of us. I know that I alternate between wanting to indulge and losing my appetite completely when I am having a bad day but for the most part I want to eat food that soothes me. Comforting stews, fresh bread with salted butter and to drink I like a thick hot chocolate. Food really does heal the soul at times.
My beef cobbler is perfect comfort food.
“After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relatives.” -Oscar Wilde’s A Woman of No Importance
How many times have you had a really, really bad day? Then had a meal that was so good that you just forgot about it. Even if only for half an hour. Food can solve all manners of problems. When I was younger I would often make cakes or take mugs of tea or coffee to my parents when I had misbehaved or pushed the boundaries a little too much. If I know a family member or friend is having a tough time I know that a coffee and a cake is sometimes the only way to get them to talk it out. The same goes for me.. I can totally be won over by a really good box of chocolates or a cheese platter. The way to EVERYONES heart is through their stomach.. not just men.
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