I’m a cookbook addict, if you are a regular reader you will know I have hoards of new and old books stacked high all over my house. I have books that are falling apart which I have found in charity shop hunts or at car boot sales. Brand new books from celebrity chefs which I often get for birthday and christmas presents and most recently a book written by a fellow food blogger. To me a cookbook isn’t just something for me to follow to create a dish, I devour it like a novel and I am inspired by it to try new things and to be adventurous with the dishes I make. These are the books I am really enjoying at the moment:
Hungry Healthy Happy – Danni Martin:
Danni Martin is a food blogger who creates recipes which are healthy and delicious. Hungry Healthy Happy is a truly balanced cookbook which explains that you can still enjoy all the foods you love whilst maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet. There are recipes for every occasion and time of day. I love the lunch ideas as well as the dairy free chocolate mousse and I tried the Chocolate Nut Ball truffles today and ohhh they are to die for. I can’t recommend this book enough for anyone wanting to make changes to their lifestyle or people who just want fantastic food which is wholesome too. Now guess what… I am giving a copy away on the blog next week so keep an eye out as well as a full review.
Mastering The Art Of French Cooking – Julia Child, Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle:
I fell in love with this book quite a few years ago but I have recently rediscovered it. I am a big Julia Child fan and the Beef Bourguignon in the book is one of the best dishes I have ever made. It’s not that widely available to buy anymore and I had really old versions of the two thick volumes bought for me from my very lovely other half which were hunted down on eBay.
I have most of Rachel Allen’s books and I love the way she cooks, having met her on a few occasions and knowing how lovely and down to earth she is it makes her books that little bit more special. Coast is a real celebration of her love of Ireland and she travelled the coast meeting food producers and trying local dishes before using the influences and inspiration from her trip to create utterly divine recipes. I love the bacon and parsley dish as well as the bread, wine and cheese gratin. Its also full of stories and gorgeous photos. This would make a lovely gift.
Jamie’s America – Jamie Oliver:
Its rare that a Jamie Oliver book is far from my reading pile. I think I have all his books and I have also subscribed to his magazine for the past four years. I just love his recipes and his America book is what I am enjoying right now. My favourite recipes are the Bourbon Pecan Tart and Candied Bacon Green Salad but there are so many to choose from..
River Cottage Everyday – Hugh Fearnley Whittinghall:
This book is a kitchen staple. I make the flatbreads about once a month. As the name suggests its packed full of recipes you can use everyday. The drop scones are also pretty good and use wholemeal flour so they are more nutritious than normal. I think I am enjoying it even more since my trip to River Cottage!
What cookbooks are you loving??
My gosh what a fab selection of cookbook, Super keen to get my hands on Dannii’s book.
What a brilliant collection of cook books, they all look lovely.
Good choices, Dannii’s new book is excellent and in very good company with your other book choices.