Yesterday you turned 3. I swore I wouldn’t be like everyone else. Getting teary just because you are getting older. Spending far too much of the day reminiscing on your first few days. Looking at newborn pics of you and already dreading that day in January when you start school. But I did all of those things. You are the twinkle in our eyes. The surge of love in our hearts. Last year you were our world. Now you share that with your sister. It was your first birthday where you had to share our attentions as we also looked after your sister but like everything else you took it in your stride. Cuddling your sister when you woke up and telling everyone that your presents were from mammy, daddy AND Chloe. What a day we had.
You are funny and daring
You laugh all day long
You say the craziest things
And sing the best songs
You squeeze us
And kiss us with a smile in your eyes
You are brave
But still hate goodbyes
You eat so much food
But burn it all off
You are tall
And so beautiful
You make everyone laugh
This year has seen changes
Big ones at that
No nappies
No dummies
And no more cot.
You are a big girl now
I say it almost daily
But deep down inside
You are always our baby
You changed our worlds
In every which way
When you came along
That September day.
I will always be thankful
For that big surprise
You have no idea
What you bring to our lives.
We love you Isabelle. Izzy. Iz. Izzy Whizzy.Busy Izzy. Big sister. Best buddy. Daughter. Granddaughter.
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