I love my local charity shops. We visit them at least 2-3 times a month and I buy 90% of my books from them. One of my favourite shops sells ALL of their books for 10p each and although there is some trash in there ( think old Mills & Boon ) there are also some real treasures. On our last visit I may have bought 8 books.. OOPS but that was just 80p.
In my stash of books I had:
*The Good Housekeeping Cookery Compendium ( published in 1952 ) – this is amazing..so many old recipes and tips. Some absolutely brilliant adverts in there:
*Nigel Slater “Toast” – this book tells the story of Nigel Slaters childhood and his early food memories. As a big fan of Nigel Slater I found it really interesting and it definitely got me craving some old favourites like rice pudding and good old mash.
*The Diving bell and the butterfly – this is an incredible film and I’m looking forward to reading the book
I also bought a Jodi Picoult, a Danielle Steel and 3 others whose names escape me at the moment.
That was just on one recent trip. In the past few years I’ve bought numerous baby and toddler items, maternity clothes, a stroller, a Samsonite changing bag (for a bargain £3) retro luggage, Mary Berrys first cookery books and some really cool glass bottles and wooden ornaments for the house. I often get the look of scorn from friends when I say something they have admired has come from a charity shop but you know what I don’t care. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. We regularly donate to our local shops and encourage everyone we know to do so.
Anyway slightly random post I guess but I was thinking about it the other day and wondered if my readers also visit their local shops or donate to them? Have you had any amazing finds?
I’m collecting china from charity shops, by accident really, my friend collects anything china related so when I saw some pieces in a charity shop I started buying them, I do wonder about the people who owned them before me and how sad it feels that one day my stuff might be in the charity shop. Love that 1952 book!
I’ve never thought about it like that. That is sad. I love the idea of the history behind some of the things that I own..much better than something new and plasticky hey?