Today marks 11 years since I first wrote a post on Munchies and Munchkins. 11 years. When I first wrote a post I imagined I’d write for maybe 6 months then get bored and that would be that. My blog started following a period of time in my maternity leave with Izzy when I would share food photos and recipes on Twitter, this was before I had Instagram and well I guess you could say I was ahead of my time ( for possibly the first time in my life). I built up a small but engaged audience on Twitter, most of whom still follow and engage with the blog. I’d often get people asking why I didn’t write a food blog so I decided to give it a whirl, one of my followers even helped come up with the blog name – thanks Sian.
My first posts were random and well blurry but I can’t delete them as it’s all part of the journey. I didn’t imagine when I started that it would become such a big part of my life or that it would lead me onto collaborations and press trips and create friendships that I still have to this day. In times of sadness and darkness my blog has been my respite and therapy, there have also been times I haven’t looked at it for months at a time apart from when I want to make one of my own recipes..yes I use my own blog as a recipe folder for myself.
I remember so clearly the first fun opportunity I had from blogging. I had replied to a tweet from Camp Bestival on Twitter saying wow this looks amazing ( because it did) and that I may try to attend the following year when I was back in work because maternity pay doesn’t really allow for luxuries. They replied saying yes you should blah blah blah. Later that night I had a direct message from a man called Bruce saying how would you and your family like to attend and you can write about it on your blog in exchange for tickets. I didn’t want to give any false expectations, I had been blogging only about 6 weeks and I had less than 500 views so I told him this and he was like it’s okay let’s do this. That was the start of 4 years of being a Camp Bestival ambassador. In the following 12 months of that first opportunity it seemed I was getting contacted every other day offering me free food or toys for Izzy, I excitedly would say yes and write a long thorough article for maybe £5 worth of free food…I wasn’t stupid by the way I just didn’t realise that my site was of value to these businesses and really I should have been charging or building a relationship with them not just saying yay free pasta. We live, we learn.
I don’t accept 90% of what I get offered these days, sometimes because there is no fit for it on my site, sometimes because there is no value to me doing it and more and more these last three years I’ve realised my time and energy are valuable. But I do actually do more in terms of sharing things I’ve not been asked to share, promoting businesses I love while still occasionally doing reviews and product round ups. Don’t get me wrong if I get offered a product I love or normally the girls even if it’s a few pounds worth of value sometimes it’s worth it because it’s natural to promote. My blog doesn’t fit in any particular category, I may post a recipe today, a rant about the news tomorrow and a long ramble about life the next day. I write about food, family, travel, lifestyle, physical health, mental health and the world we live in. This doesn’t always fit with the PR scope for a brand and it has probably hindered my blog from being more successful- I mean I know that if I’d focused solely on food and recipes my blog would be a lot busier and I’d get more paid work. But you know what, it’s just not me. This is who I am, I’m not a neat tidy thing you can pigeon hole, my life is messy and I ramble in real life not just on here. I can’t pretend to be something I’m not and yet I am proud of this blog, this thing I’ve created that supported me and others like me. I mean how many bloggers write about air fryer recipes but also tackle birth trauma, depression, strep B, long covid with a chocolate salted caramel cake to finish it off?
The last 2.5 years I’ve struggled with writing, I still do. This post would have taken me 15 minutes to breezily write before I got ill. Now I will write it over the space of weeks with many re reads and edits and still it may not make perfect sense. My brain is not what it was but the only way to get it back to that is by exercising it so these posts are the equivalent of me doing yoga for my brain.
I want to thank each and every one of you that has read the blog and even more so those that have reached out and interacted with me on social media as a result of my blog, I’ve made some incredible friendships and you really have supported me through some of the roughest periods of my life.
I asked a few of the bloggers and PRs that I’ve worked with to say a few words about the blog and ah they made me shed a few tears I tell you. Take a look:
Jonathan from The Plate Licked Clean, Ask Barney and Find My Dine:
“ I have always enjoyed Becky’s writing : hers was one of the blogs I’d always read before starting mine, soaking up reviews, recipes and more for years. Lately though, I’ve admired the way her focus has shifted onto sharing her struggles with her changing health. Never in a self- pitying way, but in a way I know others wrestling in similar conditions will find useful and relatable. Practical and engaging, and even managing to find humour in her situation, she writes with empathy and clarity. Here’s to the next 11 years.”
Kacie from The Rare Welshbit:
“Back in 2018, Becky and I were paired up and sent to Belfast together on a press trip, as complete strangers. Luckily, we really hit it off and spent several memorable days exploring Belfast’s food and drink scene together. “We’ve been lucky to enjoy lots of exciting experiences together since, from wining and dining across south-west Wales with Food and Drink Wales; to drinking in Becky’s local pub until the early hours, and waking up to one of her banging bacon butties in the morning. “Thank you for all the happy memories together, Becky! I’m looking forward to seeing what the next 11 years holds for you and your blog.”
Sophie from
“I first ‘met’ Becky of Munchies and Munchkins on Twitter back in the early days of our blogs, and I instantly felt a connection. I loved the love and passion that oozed out of every beautiful word she wrote – whether in a tweet or a blog post – and she quickly became an online friend.
We got to meet in person for the first time at Britmums Live in June 2013 and it was as if we’d known each other forever. Becky was as incredible and amazing in real life as she was online, and it was fab to hang out together at this wonderful blogging event.
The blogging world is no longer what it was in 2012 when we first dipped our toes in the water, but Munchies and Munchkins is one of the only blogs that still holds my interest.
Lucie Herring from Gilded Herring PR:
Have worked with Bec on numerous campaigns for our clients and she is always an absolute pleasure. Her posts are as fun and engaging as she is, and ruthlessly honest. Look forward to watching the blog continue in all its glory!
Sophie Le Brozec says
Awww, it was lovely to read your trip down memory lane and to think about some of our fun blogging times together. Here’s to many more great years lovely xx
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