There are a lot of people who would prefer not to hear the word COVID again which I understand. It is the only thing to have happened in my lifetime at least which impacted every person regardless of wealth or location. We all felt the loneliness COVID brought into our lives, we all suffered in different ways. Many lost people they loved and others lost businesses, then you had the incredible impact on the mental health of those who went through a pandemic alone. It destroyed lives in so many ways that people don’t want to hear about it anymore but where does that leave those left with long COVID?
You even still have people who believe COVID wasn’t real and yet if that is the case why am I and millions of others now left with disabling symptoms which have forever changed our day to day lives?

As much as I along with everyone else would like to forget that period of time I cannot.
My life has changed immensely over the three years since I first contracted COVID in October 2020. I was the fittest I’d been in a very long time when I tested positive and I remember thinking well this is the best time for me to get this virus, I’ll fight it and then I’ll be immune to it for a while and get on with life. I was almost glad to get it out of the way because surely I’d be fine. That wasn’t the case and it’s now clear that the people affected with LC still, were for the majority very fit before infection, it also seems to affect women from 30-50 more than any other age group. We still don’t know why. I just know I went from going to the gym 3-5 times a week and walking up to 25k steps per day to being breathless walking to the end of the street. To learning to live with constant pain, fatigue and unbelievable brain fog. Then the scarier symptoms appeared like fast heart rate, palpitations and shortness of breath. I’ve had COVID three times and with each reinfection I’ve had more and more issues. It has’t gone away, it was a big deal and more needs to be done to support those still suffering. We need more research, more treatments available ( and not just for those who can afford private healthcare) and for there to be options other than this is now your life.
As I’ve said before if you know someone with Long Covid please support them as much as you can, please don’t belittle their condition. It does not mean just being tired or a little breathless, it is a disabling illness and for some it gets worse not better. I have written quite a bit about this subject so if you want to learn more please click here and if you want to get in touch please do, ask questions, get support and educate yourself. Coming up soon I’ll be sharing more about what I do daily to help manage my pain and symptoms.
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