Whenever I tweet a recipe or place a foodie pic on Instagram I get comments from friends/followers asking how I get the time or desire to cook different meals and desserts etc so often. I should clarify I don’t make 3 course meals every day. I don’t bake every week. However if I am having a bad week, if I’m sad or tired or unwell you will often find me in the kitchen, if I’m happy and planning something with friends or family again you will find me in the kitchen.
Cooking is my very favourite hobby. If I’m stressed then planning a meal or trying a new recipe will relax me, if I’m excited about an upcoming event such as a trip or party I will find a way to cook something for it. I took 48 homemade biscuits to Blissfields Festival in June. Everyone has hobbies, my other half loves surfing and if he doesn’t get in the water for a few weeks he gets a little grouchy. I imagine I would be the same without cooking but I very rarely have more than a few days before I am scrabbling around in the cupboard to see what I can make.
Making a cake is so much more than a sweet treat, it’s the smell wafting through you house on a rainy weekend or the smile on my dads face when I make his favourite Victoria sponge.
I cook to please, I love making dishes that I know my loved ones will appreciate and for more that is far more important than actually eating it myself.
Tonight I’ve made 12 mini custard tarts as well as a chicken and leek stroganoff. Of the tarts I will probably only eat 1, that’s enough for me (luckily).
My kitchen is far too small but I love being in it. Every meal creates a memory and for me this blog is a great extension of it. Yesterday I went to hunt for a recipe online and discovered it in my own blog archives, it’s like an online recipe binder.
This may seem like random waffle. I apologise if so, however if like me you heart your kitchen I’m sure you understand.