My daughter will eat pretty much anything. I know I’m lucky and many of my friends and family really struggle with what their toddlers will or won’t eat. I am also sensible enough to realise this may not last forever and next month she may be as picky as picky can be.
Today I was making up a pasta sauce for my OH to take to work and decided to make up a batch for Izzy at the same time. Now as I said at this moment I don’t have any problems with getting her to eat veg but this is a sure fire way of knowing that she gets everything she needs.
So here we have a super easy but tasty tomato sauce which can be whipped up in 5 minutes and frozen if necessary.
You will need:
A carton of passata (500g)
A large handful of baby spinach leaves
2 handfuls of frozen broccoli ( steamed or boiled)
1 sweet potato ( diced
50g of cheese (grated)
1 knob of butter
1 tbsp of chopped parsley
Boil/steam your broccoli and sweet potato and set aside.
Sauté your spinach in butter until soft, add your passata, broccoli, sweet potato, cheese and parsley. Warm through and use a hand blender to thoroughly blend all ingredients.
This made enough to feed my hungry man and toddler with another leftover for another meal. Next time I’ll definitely make double and freeze a batch.
Just made this, and it was super easy and quick. But when the wife got home from work, he didn’t want pasta…so I mixed the sauce with chicken and had it with brown rice. Slightly weird, but very tasty & healthy!
Ooh sounds nice, Izzy had it with gnocchi too and she enjoyed. I’m glad you are trying the recipes out its great to know they work x
Very nice blog! Keep up the good work!
Yummy, nice post